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9 de jun. de 20242 min de leitura
🚨 Common Mistakes When Deploying a Rails Application in Production! 🛠️
When transitioning your Rails application from development to a production environment, it's crucial to be mindful of certain pitfalls...
47 visualizações
7 de jun. de 20241 min de leitura
But it's so easy with Docker, Deployment, and Ruby on Rails 🐳🚀
Ruby on Rails, coupled with Docker, offers a powerful combination for streamlined development and seamless deployment processes....
12 visualizações
7 de jun. de 20241 min de leitura
🚀 Why I Choose React and React Native 📱
As a developer, I have found React and React Native to be powerful tools for building dynamic web and mobile applications. Here are some...
29 visualizações
1 de jun. de 20241 min de leitura
🚀✨ Why I Choose Rails, React, and React Native: A Winning Combination for Productivity 🌟📱
In my development journey, I have found that opting for Rails 7 brings a multitude of benefits to the table. With its advanced...
49 visualizações
25 de mar. de 20241 min de leitura
🚀 Ruby Tip: Maximizing Efficiency large set of records with`find_each`
In Ruby on Rails application development, efficiently handling large datasets is crucial for your application's performance. In this...
45 visualizações
21 de mar. de 20241 min de leitura
🚀 Ruby Tip: Leveraging `transform_values` to Modify Hash Values
In Ruby, the `transform_values` method provides a concise way to modify the values of a hash. It accepts a block as an argument and...
35 visualizações
18 de mar. de 20241 min de leitura
🚀 Ruby Tip: Have you heard of the `dig` method?
It's an elegant way to access values in hashes and arrays safely and efficiently, and it's instrumental when you're unsure if the key or...
46 visualizações
3 de mar. de 20241 min de leitura
Me de o contexto e vou lhe dar um resultado
No vídeo abaixo eu compartilho que muitas vezes problemas, tarefas, fixes são colocados em pauta para desenvolvedores, mas algumas coisas...
29 visualizações
26 de fev. de 20241 min de leitura
Desafios de comunicação no processo de contratação
Gostaria de compartilhar uma experiência recente que ilustra os desafios de comunicação que podem surgir durante o processo de...
11 visualizações
26 de fev. de 20241 min de leitura
Pride of myself
I'm thinking about how to start this post, but everything goes well. I fought a good fight. Maybe someone is reading this and thinking...
15 visualizações
18 de fev. de 20241 min de leitura
My Journey from PHP to Ruby on Rails
A Story of Innovation and Growth Hello, I’m Rodrigo Toledo, a web enthusiast who found my coding passion in creating projects with Ruby...
134 visualizações
11 de fev. de 20241 min de leitura
Hey! There's a human being here, did you know?
What I see in a senior developer is that they think and discuss, and only after understanding where their project should be should they...
19 visualizações
10 de fev. de 20242 min de leitura
Rails Turbo 8
Turbo 8 is a Ruby on Rails feature that facilitates automatic broadcasting of data transmissions, enhancing the real-time capabilities of...
30 visualizações
10 de fev. de 20241 min de leitura
But Do You Need Tests to Get the Job Done?
When asked how to run Guard with RSpec using Docker in Rails projects, I found success with RSpec but faced challenges with Guard....
7 visualizações
9 de fev. de 20241 min de leitura
1 Hour Before...
In the ever-evolving landscape of the job market, professionals fervently pursue opportunities for reallocation, buoyed by concrete and...
10 visualizações
2 de fev. de 20241 min de leitura
O que é ActiveRecord?!😅
Sim ... essa foi uma das perguntas que recebi ao ser entrevistado. O contexto atual de layoff está provocando que profissionais plenos e...
15 visualizações
31 de jan. de 20241 min de leitura
How to use Ruby on Rails/React/ReactNative with react-query 🚀 Exciting news for developers! 🌟...
18 visualizações
29 de jan. de 20241 min de leitura Redefining Daily Productivity
Discover the future of daily organization with More than just a calendar or daily organizer, Hey offers a seamless...
25 visualizações
27 de jan. de 20241 min de leitura
Sorry, But I Haven't Memorized Every Method in Every Framework
In today's tech industry, the pressure to know every single method, function, and framework inside out has become overwhelming. Job...
33 visualizações
26 de jan. de 20241 min de leitura
The video doesn't talk by yourself
🎥 Posting videos using Loom can be a great way to share knowledge and insights. It's helpful when time allows, yet it's important to...
22 visualizações
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